Filtering and Searching Clinical Notes

Beginning with TCE version 3.3.2, the Prior Notes section of Clinical Notes now includes searching and filtering functions. Along with the new features allowing the changing of fonts, colors and font effects in Clinical Notes, it will be much easier to navigate the notes as well as finding certain words or phrases within the notes. A screen shot of the new controls appears below:
Clinical Notes Filtering screen clip The 4 check-boxes for Visit Type filtering are normally checked, meaning that all notes are displayed. Removing a check-box will remove that type of notes from the list, and from the displayed notes. This will normally be used to remove one type of notes you are not interested in seeing, such as Hygiene notes. Non-Visit notes or Tx + Hyg notes might contain any type of entry, so they should usually be left checked on.

To search for a specific word in a note, press [CTRL]-F, or click your cursor into the "Search" box. As you type in this box, the first match in the notes will be highlighted. Click the [Next] and [Prev] buttons to search for the next or previous occurrences. The [F3] key will also skip to the [next] match.

By checking the "Only notes containing search terms" box, the list of notes will only include charting sessions that contain at least one occurrence of the search term.

When printing notes while using any of the filtering functions, only charting sessions matching the filtering options will be printed. Be aware that this may produce an incomplete record.